School is back in session.  Along with notebooks consumers are also downloading interactive applications to their mobile devices to be prepared for the new school year

Many companies have put mobile marketing to work for them, sending back-to-school deals in hopes of seeing a high influx of business during this time of year. But once school starts they have to come up with new ways to keep consumers interested because during the school year things are busy and free time for shopping is hard to come by.

Building loyalty and trust through apps

Companies who build lasting relationships with their consumers are likely to continue seeing business grow even in the slowest times, but building those relationships can be difficult. However, Alert ID has come up with an effective way to gain the trust of their consumers and keep them engaging with the company year-long. They’ve teamed up with the National Crime Prevention Council to create a new interactive application just in time for school to start.  The new mobile application keeps users informed about suspicious activity taking place in their neighborhoods, and the goal is to prevent crimes before they happen by keeping people informed and on the lookout.

The app is free and allows users to access interactive maps that show crimes as well as sex offenders in their neighborhoods. The two have built a trusting relationship with app users quite simply for it’s effectiveness and features.

The application is compatible with Apple and Android devices and perhaps one of the most appealing features is that users can interact with other users through pictures or messages in order to collaborate a virtual neighborhood watch. Additionally the app allows users to contact law enforcement quickly when necessary. When school is back in session, abduction is always a concern so through the application parents can take snapshots of their children and enter updated description.

Interactive applications are effective mobile marketing 

The purpose of apps isn’t only to entertain consumers, but make their lives easier. Most consumers embrace mobile marketing through interactive applications because they’re able to control how much marketing they receive through them.

Alert ID’s new application has the potential to make life easier for users by allowing them to be aware of everything that is going on around them at all times.  Instead of waiting for the news to announce criminal activity near them, they can instantly see problem areas and avoid them using the app. If companies use interactive applications they should also consider how they can build relationships with their consumers. .
