Understandably, many are protective of their contact information, so companies must work to earn the trust of customers to get the information needed and perhaps even a harder task? Keeping their trust

Sometimes the hardest part of mobile marketing is getting customers to sign up for it. The problem facing companies when it comes to mobile marketing is that several of their customers opt-out after a certain period of time, or they refuse to give their contact information in the first place.

There are a number of reasons why this happens, but one of the biggest is that companies get too pushy with their advertising causing annoyance. Part of earning the trust of customers is not being over-bearing when it comes to advertising, especially mobile advertising.

In-store marketing most effective way to get opt-ins

In-store marketing is the most effective way to get customers to opt-in for SMS and email advertisements.  Most retail companies are quick to ask for an email or phone number when customers are making a purchase, which has proven a successful tactic.  Most customers are looking for the best deal, and if they know they can get it through an email or text, they are willing to give mobile ads a try. Preventing customers from opting out of a company’s mobile advertising is where the real work begins.

To keep your subscribers, make mobile marketing personal. Send customers a “Thank you” follow up messages, or other personalized messages that develop a relationship between the company and the customers.

Personalized SMS help create relationships

Statistics show that personalized SMS ads bring in more business simply because of the relationships created. Making customers feel important and appreciated is an essential part of marketing as it keeps customers from opting out.

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Trivial or interactive texting keeps customers interested

Personalizing SMS advertisements may seem like an easy task for businesses with a smaller customer base, but it can seem nearly impossible for businesses with a larger clientele, so it is suggested that companies create interactive SMS ads. Research shows that mobile marketing increases business when a sweepstakes or incentive is included (shocker.) Read our report on how personalization with AI messaging is helping marketers improve conversions.

Starbucks currently has an interactive mobile ad that includes trivia questions and customers who return texts with the correct answers to the questions receive coupons and other prizes.  These types of SMS advertisements keep customers involved and updated on company happenings, ultimately bringing in more business. It is also important to routinely change the type of interactive ads to keep customers from getting bored!

Source: mobilemarketer.com/cms/news/database-crm/17825.html