The big thing right now is for every business to have a mobile app. There are some businesses that aren’t really sure where they fit into that picture, but customers really appreciate being able to access things easily from their phone. This is especially true for customers who are going to be using it on a regular basis, such as restaurant customers or ones that have an online portal they’d like to use through their smartphone. A recent study of restaurant apps, according to Eater, suggested some of the most important things to include in your apps.

Loyalty programs, digital coupons, mobile payments

It is important to note these things included in an app will make a huge difference to customer satisfaction. Taco Bell, Domino’s, and Starbucks were the top rated apps, and all of them included these key features. Customers love loyalty programs, even if it is just a free meal on your 10th purchase, and being able to easily add coupons to your order without having to cut anything out or present it to an employee is another huge bonus. Users like it when things are easy, so mobile payments are a big plus because it means you can pay for your food before you get there. Another big thing customers look for is the ability to order ahead. Apps that didn’t have it were lacking significantly

Don’t have defects

Probably the most important thing to a successful app for your business, regardless of what kind of industry you work in, is a nice-looking app that runs smoothly. If the app isn’t running smoothly or it appears to be defective in any way, a customer will just delete it. They don’t have space on their phones for apps that don’t work properly or that look messy. Make sure to clean up the app and test it as much as possible before release to make sure these are not issues for your company.

About the app study

In order to determine which apps were rated higher than others, the study crawled through app reviews to determine how happy people were with their usability. The reviews were read to determine exactly what people did and didn’t like about the applications and how users recommended changes. The study also discovered that customers are more likely to spend extra money when using an app than they are without one.

Source: Eater